A lover of mountains, swamps, and the spaces in between
I’m a photographer with a passion for the botanical world. Nothing invigorates my spirit like plants do. Nature offers incomparable wonder and beauty. From skunk cabbages emerging through the snow to carnivorous pitcher plants devouring insects, plants are amazing in their abilities.
While I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors, my interest in horticulture began later in life. Gardening provided a tangible creative outlet. As my love of plants and gardening grew, I matched it with my passion for photography. How could I not capture the beauty that I was cultivating? Now, plants and gardens, as well as landscapes, are the primary focus of my photography work.
When I’m not taking photographs, I work as a freelance digital marketing specialist. If you want to talk about content marketing strategies, social media management, or marketing automation, visit my marketing website.
Cultivated and Wild is a place for me to share the treasures of the natural world with you; from public gardens to expansive mountain meadows. Here, I’ll share photographs, stories, and travel advice so you can experience them too.
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